A student using a laboratory.

International Foundation Year in Sciences

A pathway programme leading to undergraduate science and research degrees

The International Foundation Year in Sciences prepares you for science-related undergraduate degrees.

This one-year programme is split into two routes:

  • Engineering, Physical and Mathematical route
  • Life Sciences and the Environment route.

Key facts

Course length: Two semesters
Entry points: September, November (Enhanced Induction) and January
Age: 17+

See entry requirements

Check fees

What you will study

The programme consists of core and pathway-specific modules. Your core modules will improve your academic and English language skills. The pathway-specific modules will go into more depth about the field of your undergraduate degree.

Engineering, Physical and Mathematical route

Collaboration for Sustainable Futures

Collaboration for Sustainable Futures (CSF) involves our international students developing and applying key skills required to be successful in a modern higher education context and beyond: Collaborating and building team-working skills, using appropriate research methods, reflective learning, independent enquiry and learner autonomy, and applying theory to develop create solutions to real-world problems. The module theoretical content is built around UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that organisations increasingly map their plans to. Students will work in groups across all IFY disciplines to first understand the relevance and aims of the goals, then how these apply in varied communities and contexts, before finally using their new skills and knowledge of sustainability to create a project that addresses a local issue. Throughout the module, students will be encouraged to apply what they have learnt in other modules to the problem they are seeking to address in their group, thereby bringing a cross-disciplinary approach to the issue at hand.

Academic English Skills

Academic English Skills aims to provide thorough training in the language and related academic skills which will enable international students to best achieve their academic potential at the Royal Holloway University London.

You will develop awareness and competency in a range of language-related academic skills, including the processes of academic writing, effective and extensive reading strategies, effective participation in seminars and delivery of presentations, and listening to and recording information effectively from lectures. You will also develop the accuracy and range of written and spoken language required to use language effectively and appropriately, with clarity and confidence in an academic context.

Alongside your classes, your studies will be supported by an online learning platform, providing you with a range of tasks and activities specifically designed to develop and extend your language and academic skills outside the classroom and to give you more control over your own learning.


It is possible to say that programming is a combination of mathematics, logical thinking, problem solving and specialised knowledge (the programming language). 

The basic concept of programming consists of breaking down sophisticated ‘raw’ real world problems in the form of logical steps, and small algorithms that will provide a solution to the problem on its execution. This may often require idealisations of real-life situations to simplify the problem and make it possible to solve. 

The module is focused on two important pillars: Decision mathematics and Python Programming. 

Decision mathematics has become popular in recent decades because of its applications to business and computer science. We will study modelling of many real-world situations using graphs or networks and algorithms. We will study mathematical methods to help with decision making for developing effective and efficient algorithms. Decision mathematics is a very good tool for improving reasoning, logical thinking and problem-solving capabilities. 

In Python programming, we will study ways to transform pseudocode and algorithms to machine executable code. We will learn about basic concepts of Python, procedural programming, and applications of programming in real world examples.  Knowledge of programming provides you with the necessary tools for developing solutions to problems in a wide range of academic fields from the physical and engineering sciences to the humanities, as well as within business, government and industry. 

Pure Maths

This module is taught as a pathway specific core module on the Sciences, Engineering, Physical and Mathematical pathway of the International Foundation Year. The overall aim of this programme is to develop the language, subject specific and academic study skills of overseas students from a wide range of countries and educational systems and so enable them to acquire the appropriate backgrounds, skills and cultural awareness to progress with confidence onto their chosen first-degree course at Royal Holloway within the School of Engineering, Physical and Mathematical Sciences.   

Candidates are taught to recall mathematical facts, concepts and techniques as and when needed. They develop knowledge of the applications of calculus. The delivery of the topics in this course underpins the knowledge required in their first year at the university and is applicable to a range of undergraduate degrees in sciences and engineering. 

The module focuses on developing students' knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts, processes, techniques, and procedures in theoretical and practical contexts. It is hoped that through studying this module, students will be able to analyse and interpret the depth of mathematics needed to solve mathematical and real-life situations. Additionally, like their other  modules, this module aims to develop independent learning, self-management, and group study skills. 


This module is taught as a pathway specific core module on the Sciences, Engineering, Physical and Mathematical pathway of the International Foundation Year. The overall aim of this programme is to develop your language, subject specific and academic study skills to enable you to acquire the appropriate backgrounds, skills and cultural awareness to progress with confidence onto their chosen first-degree course at Royal Holloway within the School of Engineering, Physical and Mathematical Sciences.   

More specifically, this module focuses on developing your basic knowledge of Physics, so that you may apply the knowledge to real situations, while facilitating your formative development by broadening your knowledge base, deepening your understanding of the topics studied and practising appropriate study skills, to include practical work and problem solving. Additionally, like your other modules, this module aims to develop your independent study skills, use of IT, group work and effective note taking. 

Applied Mathematics

The Applied Maths module is one of four academic modules studied by learners on the Sciences, Engineering, Physical and Mathematical pathway of the International Foundation Year. 

This module provides you with the statistical knowledge and tool kit that will be complementary to the other core modules studied (Pure Maths, Physics, and Programming).   

On successfully completing the module you will be equipped with knowledge and understanding that will assist you in your future studies by pursuing a degree course in the School of Engineering, Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Life Sciences and the Environment route

Collaboration for Sustainable Futures

Collaboration for Sustainable Futures (CSF) involves our international students developing and applying key skills required to be successful in a modern higher education context and beyond: Collaborating and building team-working skills, using appropriate research methods, reflective learning, independent enquiry and learner autonomy, and applying theory to develop create solutions to real-world problems. The module theoretical content is built around UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that organisations increasingly map their plans to. Students will work in groups across all IFY disciplines to first understand the relevance and aims of the goals, then how these apply in varied communities and contexts, before finally using their new skills and knowledge of sustainability to create a project that addresses a local issue. Throughout the module, students will be encouraged to apply what they have learnt in other modules to the problem they are seeking to address in their group, thereby bringing a cross-disciplinary approach to the issue at hand.

Academic English Skills

Academic English Skills aims to provide thorough training in the language and related academic skills which will enable international students to best achieve their academic potential at the Royal Holloway University London.

You will develop awareness and competency in a range of language-related academic skills, including the processes of academic writing, effective and extensive reading strategies, effective participation in seminars and delivery of presentations, and listening to and recording information effectively from lectures. You will also develop the accuracy and range of written and spoken language required to use language effectively and appropriately, with clarity and confidence in an academic context.

Alongside your classes, your studies will be supported by an online learning platform, providing you with a range of tasks and activities specifically designed to develop and extend your language and academic skills outside the classroom and to give you more control over your own learning.


This module will encourage you to develop an interest in biology and support further study of the subject. You will also develop and demonstrate an appreciation of the skills, knowledge and understanding of biology and develop key knowledge and understanding of different areas of the subject and how they relate to each other. Students who successfully complete this module will be equipped with the skills that help them pursue degrees in the School of Life Sciences and the Environment. 

You will cultivate your understanding of biology with the aid of laboratory investigations as you explore the following topics: the unit of life, the molecules of life, cellular processes, enzymes, cell recognition, systems of life in plants and in animals, energy systems in plants and animals.

Core Maths 1

This course includes units reviewing basic arithmetic concepts important in science and algebra to generalise and solve problems. Graphical concepts will be introduced that support business decisions. Finally, you will be introduced to basic calculus methods to enable problem solving and decision making.


This module will provide a foundation in Chemistry to prepare student for further study in Chemistry, related disciplines or in degrees related offered in the school of Life Sciences and Environment. Through the study of this module, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of the concepts of formulae, equations and moles; atomic structure; thermodynamics and bonding. 

Core Maths 2

The module will take you through the practical aspects of collecting and representing data visually and numerically to enable interpretation and extrapolation. You will be introduced to theoretical probability and both discrete and continuous probability distributions and learn how to make decisions. Your knowledge of scatter graphs will be refined to enable correlation and regression analysis.

Environmental Science

This module will complement the other science modules offered on the Life Sciences and Environment pathway. It will stimulate your understanding of energy flow in photosynthesis and other biological and chemical cycles within the environment. Due to the Climate Emergency of our present age, this module will be able to draw on the public science discourse that attends to environmental matters and thus engage you in topical current affairs. It will also offer you an insight into the social and public dimension of scientific work, while deepening your knowledge and understanding of approaching the natural and lived environment through a scientific lens.  


This module aims to provide you with an understanding of concepts, methodology and practical and ethical issues relevant to the study of Psychology. Such focus will allow you to develop independent study skills in research, group work and effective note taking. The main focus of study is on the various approaches to the subject in general terms, but you will have the opportunity to deepen your theoretical understanding and knowledge of psychological research.

On successful completion of the module, you will be able to: explain in general terms key concepts and theories underpinning the main approaches to studying Psychology; describe the strengths and weaknesses of a range of research methods in Psychology; critically evaluate key empirical and theoretical studies in core areas of Psychology and evaluate the contributions made by different approaches to the study of Psychology

Royal Holloway ranked 5th in the UK for Geography & Environmental Science

The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025

Progression degrees

You can continue your studies at Royal Holloway as an undergraduate when you successfully complete your International Foundation Year. This means achieving the required grades for progression. Our staff can tell you what they are closer to finishing your programme because the requirements might change.

You can study one of the following undergraduate degrees:

Engineering, Physical and Mathematical route

Degree Programme NameAwardOverall GradeEnglish Grade
No Results

Life Sciences and the Environment route

Degree Programme NameAwardOverall GradeEnglish Grade
No Results

Duration of the degree

The following degrees run for a duration of four years:

  • MEng Electronic Engineering
  • BEng Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry (available with integrated year in business degree option)
  • BSc Computer Science (Year in Industry)
  • BSc Computer Science Artificial Intelligence (Year in Industry)
  • BSc Computer Science Information Security (Year in Industry)
  • BSc Computer Science Software Engineering (Year in Industry)
  • BSc Environmental Geology with a Year in Industry
  • BSc Geology with a Year in Industry

The following degrees run for a duration of five years:

  • MEng Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry (available with integrated year in business degree option)

Careers after graduation

As a science graduate, you can become a professional in:

  • Actuarial science
  • Environmental science
  • Geo-engineering
  • Media
  • Product management
  • Psychology
  • Software engineering
Students studying on campus


Applying to Royal Holloway International Study Centre is easy and straightforward. Check entry requirements, tuition fees and see what you have to do before you arrive, from getting your student visa to arranging accommodation.

Students walking outside campus

International Study Centre

The International Study Centre helps you prepare for undergraduate and postgraduate study at Royal Holloway, University of London. It is a dedicated learning space for international students, sharing the University's campus and facilities.

A Royal Holloway student on campus

English Language Preparation

Our online English Language preparation courses will help you develop your English language skills to the level required to begin your chosen pathway programme.

Join us today

Our Student Enrolment Advisors are available to answer any questions you may have and help you with your application. We can't wait to meet you!